Saturday, May 5, 2012

X-tra Link O'the Month: Interactives

Interactives, which “provides ...strategies, content, and activities that can enhance and improve students’ skills…” offers a variety of topics for all grade levels and subject areas.

Check out: Amusement Park Physics (gr 9-12), Elements of a Story (gr 2-5), or Geo3D Shapes (gr 6-8), MANY More!

Link O'the Month: WolframAlpha


WolframAlpha is NOT another search engine. Instead, it is described as a Knowledge Engine. A Computational Knowledge Engine, described as a site that “generates output by doing computations from its own internal knowledge base, instead of searching the web and returning links.”

WolframAlpha is a free, continually updated resource with current information, all reviewed by domain experts, and for all levels “from kindergarten to graduate school and beyond.”

Enjoy & Happy Creating!