Friday, November 11, 2011

A Lesson for Teachers

A fellow educator recently said to me:  can you just SHOW me what you mean?  WHAT should I do with the kids? 

I thought about that and decied, why not create a lesson ?  In trying to pick just ONE lesson to share, I had a tough time!  Pod/vodcasts? Wikis? Blogs? Digital stories? Online sharing? Finally, I decided, why not share a lesson FOR EDUCATORS that outlines how to create an online learning experience?

View this for vodcast for more information:

Lesson Plan Overview -page 1 (screen shot)
Lesson Plan Overview -page 2 (screen shot)
Rubric (screen shot)
The experience was very rewarding for me- and for the educators invovled. At first, they were extrememely intimidated when they saw samples of digital stories, blogs, wikis and pod/vodcasts- thinking they could not possibly create and/or maintian one!! However, as they worked through the process, they were intrigued and motivated to press on!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Link(s) O'the Month: Digital Timelines

Timelines are graphic organizers that can be used as a tool to explore and discover a sequence of events. Online timelines provide an interactive opportunity for students to create, share, and collaborate. Here are a few to try:

  Enjoy ~ and Happy Creating!