There are soooo many things to learn, explore, expand on, and make real in our lives. In the past, I flirted with social bookmarking...I dabbled in aggregators and RSS (and even helped create a few podcasts attached to an RSS!), and thought about the best way to share and make use of WEB 2.0 tools. And then...POOF overload. and i went back to my comfortable way of doing things! Emailing items back-and-forth to myself. Exporting and importing bookmarks (silly!) And joining every site that came down the pike! Blogger, Skype, DimDim, Elluminate, Edublogger, Facebook, MySpace, MAGPI, Delicious, Twitter, MUSE, Wikispaces, Voicethread, Blabber, etc etc etc . However, without taking the time to identify a real, practical reason for using the sites, my membership (as well as my recollection of username/password) began to fall by the wayside.
Recently, I re-visited some of the sites mentioned above...for example, Delicious. I now maintain online bookmarks. I also make use of the Outlook feed, AND, I personalized Google so some of the informaiton I wanted immediate access to was readily available (such as recipes, thought of the day, puzzles). But that is only part of what I want to explore!
In retrospect, many of the Web 2.0 sites I have visited lately are for use in the classroom. How can we use this with students? How can this enrich the learning experience? I am looking forward to tapping into this class (at least initially) for ME! How can I make use of WEB 2.0 to make MY life easier?
Sourdough Granola
2 days ago
Web 2.0 seems to be a dichotomy; it will complicate my life and simultaneously simplify it. I, too, question how I can use this to make my life easier, but also fear that it is going to be so overwhelming in the beginning that I will abandon it for the status quo after about four migraines.